About Union of Independent Gigwork

Union of Independent Gigwork was established in December 2021 by an Independent Gigworker. With years of experience expanding his network and personal development in the platform work sector, the mission emerged to amplify the voices of Independent Gigworkers.

Often, third parties misrepresent Gigworkers, portraying them as exploited individuals at the bottom of society. For instance, the package delivery driver forced to register as a self-employed entrepreneur or the taxi driver working inhumane hours, striving to earn the same as their counterparts in traditional employment. In reality, many Independent Gigworkers consciously choose self-employment, and their situation doesn't involve exploitation. This is the essence of 'FREE' in our name. There are diverse forms of Independent Gigworkers.

Union of Independent Gigwork is founded for the independent self-employed platform worker (freelancer) embracing this new way of working. It includes the self-employed chef selecting when and where to work through platforms, the copywriter delivering 10,000 words one week and intentionally working less the next, and the installation technician getting clients via an app, deciding when and whether to undertake the work.

Presently, working through a platform is often associated with exploitation, and there's a call for increased protection for these workers. While we support this effort, especially in cases of forced labor within a self-employed framework, we see a societal risk of pressuring self-employed individuals to become employees against their will. The aim should be to prevent exceptional abuses through protection, not to deprive an entire group of the opportunity to develop themselves and work according to their preferences. Union of Independent Gigwork advocates for the freedom to choose how one works.

Today's Independent Gigworker is the entrepreneur of tomorrow. This should be encouraged!

The board of Union of Independent Gigwork

The board of Foundation Free Platform Work consists of five individuals (from left to right): Enzo Salatiello (chairperson), Charlotte Rekers (communication), Roos Sparreboom (treasurer), Irene Ruhe (secretary) and Jordi Verwoert (fundraising). If you wish to contact any of the board members individually, please refer to the contact page for more information.

Would you like to have a say in the situation of Gigworkers?

Share your thoughts on Free Gigwork! Do you have recommendations for Union of Independent Gigwork? Or do you simply want to brainstorm with other freelancers? Join our Discord! Through our Discord channel, we keep you informed about crucial updates for freelancers, developments within Union of Independent Gigwork, and exciting deals. Your opinion is important for us!

Core values Union of Independent Gigwork

"Why did we establish Union of Independent Gigwork, and what are our core values? What can we, as the board and foundation, do for you?"

When we engage with you, we often hear, “Okay, I’ve now signed up for your newsletter, but what does the foundation actually do? You advocate for the interests of independent workers on platforms, but how exactly do you do that?”

Great question!

As a board, we founded Union of Independent Gigwork to support self-employed individuals on platforms. We serve as representatives for all Independent Gigworkers across various work platforms. You chose to be a freelancer for a specific reason. Perhaps you value the freedom it provides or want the ability to negotiate your rates. There could be a thousand reasons why you consciously decided not to enter traditional employment.

How do we try to safeguard that independence on platforms?

To ensure that you can continue working as an Independent Platform Worker with all associated rights, our foundation strives to oversee the preservation of these rights. As an Independent Platform Worker, you should always:

  1. Have the freedom to choose when you work and when you don’t.
  2. Have the freedom to choose where you work.
  3. Have the ability to negotiate your hourly wage.
  4. Have the freedom to execute your work in your own way.
  5. Have the option to contest a no-show policy.
  6. Have the option to arrange for a substitute.
  7. Be personally responsible for the end result and the quality of your work.
  8. Have the opportunity to build your own client base without hindrance from the platform interfering in entrepreneurship.

Over Stichting Vrij Platformwerk

Stichting Vrij Platformwerk is een belangenorganisatie die in het leven is geroepen om de groeiende groep Vrije platformwerkers te vertegenwoordigen bij platformen, vakbonden en overheid.

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